PARK UP's Pledge

Towards a Solution

A Call to Action: Our Pledge to Tackle Urban Parking Problems

Navigating the Urban Parking Maze: A Critical Challenge

The perennial problem in urban parking is the ever-elusive hunt for available parking spots, squandering time, finances, and resources for all parties involved. This challenge is pivotal in shaping a city’s operational efficiency and the quality of life for its residents. As such, there is an urgent need for cities to devise strategies that not only increase the availability of parking spaces but also ensure their optimal utilization.

Navigating parking in the heart of cities can take time and effort. This issue intensifies in urban areas where the number of vehicles drastically outstrips the available parking slots. The ordeal involves circling blocks, scouting for that elusive spot while simultaneously juggling the task of dodging other cars and deciphering parking regulations. It’s a source of immense stress and frustration, squandering precious time, a reality that city parking administrators grapple with incessantly in their quest for solutions.

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The chaos of parking congestion, primarily sparked by drivers searching for vacant spots, escalates fuel consumption and CO2 emissions and inflicts environmental harm. Beyond the tangible loss of time and environmental impact, parking congestion heightens the risk of accidents. Frustrated drivers, desperate to find a spot, often resort to impulsive or hazardous driving behaviors, increasing the likelihood of incidents.

The urban parking problem is multifaceted, encompassing availability, efficiency, environmental impact, and security issues. Addressing these concerns is vital to enhancing urban livability and operational functionality, necessitating innovative and comprehensive city planning and parking management solutions.

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PARK UP: Less Space, More City

The parallel need for effective parking solutions becomes increasingly apparent as cities burgeon with rapid urbanization. The challenge lies in quantifying the need for parking and striking a balance that supports urban growth without sacrificing valuable land. Too little parking could stymie development, while excessive parking spaces might usurp areas better suited for greenery, aesthetics, or economic development. This dilemma is particularly acute in burgeoning metropolises like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where every inch of space is valuable.

In these dynamic cities, PARK UP’s rotary robotic parking systems emerge as an innovative solution, ingeniously maximizing land use while addressing the acute need for parking. We embody a transformative approach to urban planning, aligning with the ethos of modern cityscapes.


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, especially the UAE, are witnessing a significant rise in vehicle numbers, including cars, buses, trucks, and other modes of transport. This uptick has brought the issue of parking to the forefront of urban challenges. In cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, designed to accommodate heavy traffic, the scarcity of parking has become an everyday struggle for residents. Individuals often find themselves circling for 30 to 45 minutes searching for a parking spot after a long day at work, a scenario that worsens in central business districts.

The UAE’s car market illustrates this vividly. In 2022 alone, over 400,000 new cars were sold, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. This surge signals a corresponding rise in parking demand as the nation rebuilds its infrastructure and its economy rebounds.

The vehicle density in Dubai is remarkably high, with 540 vehicles per 1,000 people, dwarfing the figures of global cities like New York, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The environmental and economic repercussions of inadequate parking infrastructure are significant, including the loss of green spaces, increased emissions, and hidden parking costs, such as time lost and construction expenses.

Dubai’s vehicle count has seen a staggering rise, doubling from approximately 740,000 in 2006 to 1.4 million by the end of 2014. Predictions suggest this number could exceed 2.2 million by 2025. As car ownership becomes more common, the challenge shifts from owning a car to finding parking—a veritable urban adventure. PARK UP is poised to transform this challenge into an efficient, innovative parking experience.

Compounding the issue is the influx of approximately 450,000 vehicles daily from neighboring emirates into Dubai, contrasted starkly with the city’s limited provision of only 166,000 parking spaces. This imbalance highlights the urgency of innovative parking solutions like those offered by PARK UP, which are set to redefine urban parking in the face of growing developmental pressures.

The Urban Conundrum: Balancing Development and Parking Spaces

With our advanced rotary robotic parking systems, we are not just maximizing space efficiency; we are revolutionizing it. Our finely crafted solutions transform mundane parking lots into groundbreaking, space-efficient marvels. We offer an unprecedented ability to increase parking capacity by up to 8 times without requiring additional horizontal space. This is a game-changer in dense urban environments where every square meter counts.

With over twenty years of expertise, PARK UP’s systems are tailored to accommodate many vehicles, from sedans to super SUVs weighing up to 3000kg. Our philosophy, encapsulated in the motto “Less space, more city,” is dedicated to crafting a liveable, breathable urban environment where space is optimized and quality of life is enhanced.

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Our installations are designed for simplicity and ease. PARK UP systems require minimal excavation and can be installed on any flat, solid surface using a straightforward H-type foundation. The versatility of our units allows for aligning multiple systems side by side, significantly boosting parking capacity for hundreds of cars. Each unit transforms a mere 31m2 to 42m2 area – the equivalent of 2 standard car parking spaces – into a facility that accommodates up to 12 or 16 vehicles. This efficiency has earned PARK UP the accolade of the world’s most compact mechanical parking system.

The installation process of PARK UP systems is swift, typically completed within 5 days. This rapid setup reduces construction-related disruptions and enables quicker utilization of the parking facility. In line with our promise to enhance urban aesthetics, PARK UP systems can be adorned with customizable facades. These facades are designed for visual harmony with the surrounding cityscape and buildings and support digital screens and billboards. This unique feature opens up new avenues for advertising, providing additional revenue streams for investors and operators.

PARK UP’s solutions are ideal for various entities, from corporate offices and government buildings to healthcare facilities, residential complexes, and entertainment venues. By dramatically reducing the time spent searching for parking, we contribute significantly to environmental conservation efforts. Our approach also fosters a more organized and visually appealing urban landscape, elevating city planning to new standards.

The PARK UP experience is defined by user-friendliness. Our systems are operated via an intuitive touch screen or RFID card, ensuring accessibility for all users. Safety is paramount in our designs, with advanced features like photo sensors, warning lamps, overrun stoppers, and fall prevention mechanisms ensuring the security of both vehicles and users. Our units, accommodating 8 to 16 cars in various configurations, are customizable and blend with city aesthetics thanks to stylish facade finishing.

Durability is another hallmark of PARK UP. Each unit is designed for longevity and reliability, with a service life extending over 20 years. Should the need arise, a standard overhaul program is in place to refurbish and extend the service life by an additional 20 years. Local technical support from our team in Dubai guarantees uninterrupted operation and immediate assistance when needed.

Our promise of cost-effectiveness and sustainability is evident in our systems’ low operational costs and energy-efficient design. The installation process eschews the need for complex underground constructions, and the flexibility to relocate the units as needed adds to the practicality of our solutions. At a low noise level of 65-75 dB, PARK UP systems ensure minimal disturbance to the urban environment.

PARK UP is not merely a provider of innovative parking solutions. We are at the vanguard of redefining investment opportunities in urban infrastructure, offering a spectrum of creative, lucrative investment models. Our approach caters to investors eager to contribute to and benefit from the transformation of cityscapes, making PARK UP a pioneer in urban parking solutions.

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